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What does Inspiration mean to you

What is an inspiration and how can you tap into it when you need to become inspired?

I'll give you examples of Steve Jobs when he was looking for inspiration. The Oxford dictionary defines inspiration as the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. We usually think that the one sudden incident makes a person inspirational. But that is not true. As it is given in the definition of inspiration in the dictionary, inspiration isn't one single incident instead it is a process. All of us are different and unique, we feel inspired in different ways as well. We have to think about which one suits the best for us. Think of what were you doing or what made you inspire the last time. People can find their inspiration in books, nature, music etc. All of the scenarios that can make you inspire have one thing in common, which is that they are completely under your control. You don't have to wait for inspiration to strike you, seize the moment and begin now. TedTalks is a very great way to feel inspired and motivated. I often, when in need of self-motivation, watch TedTalks on YouTube and it does wonder. Listening to people who achieved so much in life and sharing their valuable experiences with you is great to spark up your brain cells. Steve Jobs said, "We have always been shameless about stealing ideas." It means that we expose ourselves to the best things that humans have done and then try to mold it in our own unique style.


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