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5 Blogging mistakes you should AVOID at all costs

Most people think Blogging doesn’t require many efforts, its just writing things and posting them online. Well, those who have the slightest of experience in Content writing and SEO would know it is not as easy as it looks. Coming up with new engaging content regularly isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. As a Beginner any job field, in Blogging too, there are some mistakes that newbie bloggers make that can put their hard work and time spent on the blog to waste. Easy for us, we bloggers are our own bosses. We aren’t working for somebody else, so we have the freedom to think out of the box and be as creative as we wish to be. Blogging is a fantastic way to build a reputation in your chosen field along with connecting with new readers and keeping the old ones coming back. Here I am sharing with you, some most common blogging mistakes you should AVOID at all costs.

The writing style is too formal

Though all the content that is going to published online should have the same traits, their style isn’t the same on every platform. People turn to blogs because they hear the story from a person like their own. So you should write like you talk. Don’t make it too stiff. Blog viewers are here for information in the easiest language possible. Throw in some jokes. Get rid of the jargon. That’s how real people talk — and that’s what real people like to read.

Keep a check on grammar

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Nobody is perfect when it comes to grammar, everyone has those times when they write in a hurry and a few typing & grammatical errors go unnoticed. These small mistakes, when seen by the reader can make them question your credibility. A simple way to make sure your blog post is error-free is either by paying someone to proofread your posts before they’re published or simply use Grammarly. As you type, Grammarly checks your text for hundreds of common and advanced writing issues. The checks include common grammatical errors, such as subject-verb agreement, article use, and modifier placement, in addition to contextual spelling mistakes, phonetic spelling mistakes, and irregular verb conjugations. Grammarly also provides synonym suggestions to make your writing more readable and precise.

Not knowing your target audience

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It is essential that you know your target audience! You should know the type of audiences that you wish to reach out to. In my case, my target audiences are bloggers, tech geeks and photographers. When you write for a specific group of people in mind, it would help you connect with them much more easily.

Ignoring SEO techniques

Do not forget about search engine optimization when you blog.  Your posts should have all the relevant and related keywords in it in such a way that it doesn’t look spammy and degrades the quality of your content.
There are certain types of keywords that would not sound natural; so you should not worry if you cannot include it in your blog post more than once. Google is getting better by the minute at being able to fish out spammy web pages.

Not spending time on cross-channel promotion

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Writing super interesting & engaging blogs is just not enough, you will also need to make sure that you promote your blog on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. In this post – How to increase your Blog’s Traffic: Essential Steps! you can find the facebook groups of Bloggers who share their content. Also, if you’re most of an Instagrammer than this could be of help to you – 5 Instagram HACKS you should know!

If you already have different social media accounts, then you have absolutely no reason to start promoting your website or blog! While sharing content on social media sites, it is vital to use attractive pictures and headers because they are the first thing that a viewer will see. Make them attractive enough. If you’re wondering where you can find royalty free stock images then give this a read – Get free Stock images for your Blog from these 5 sites!


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